This day

By snapper


I went through to Edinburgh today as I need to do some work on a form with someone. My pal whom I am staying with said "oh by the way we are going to the preview of a TV programme this evening, care to tag along" Fine thought I, this could be interesting. "First I need to pick up two people who are also coming" again fine I thought.
After driving for what seemed like eons, (this Edinburgh city is quite big) we go to a huge pile called something Hall I think and met said friends. I had actually met this character some thirty years ago as he was an eminant scholar then, he is still a gret scholar but as usual with such braineness comes excentricity too!
Anyhows all four of us troop off to said programme showing. Again after driving up hill and down dale we found this place in somewhere called Stockbridge. Went in and there were a motley crew of folks I had never seen in my puff bar the lady who the programme was about. However there were liberal bottles of expensive plonk and these wee gobbits of food the size of a malteser so I began with the wine and also scoffed a fair quantity of these wee food scraps, (my pall says they are called cnapes!) one of them was filled with green stuff that looked like phlegm but Im told was Guacamole!
Anyhows the character that was with us got plastered but he was great fun I have to say far more knowledgeable and entertaining than some of the other stiff necked corpses there.
The evening finally ended in a wee Thai place where the food was good and the company even better!
So life on the dark side that is Edinburgh has sure got off to a good start.

This lumox of a dog thinks its a dainty wee lapdog!

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