
By AprilJane


Went for a cycle today, have too much of a cold for running, but needed to work off some anger!  Bushey Park worked it's magic as it always does.

Very, very cold there. Saw this fallen tree which must have come down during the crazy winds on Tuesday night.  

Today the children walked home alone together, the very first time. I won't be letting them make a habit of it, but Betsy is leaving in July, and once a term will be okay. I like them to do things alone together sometimes. I want them to look out for each other and take responsibility for each other as well as themselves every now and again.  My brother and I grew up fist-fighting and screaming at each other and I don't want that for them. 

Did a load of cooking today.  The kitchen was all steamed up and the fairy lights were twinkling,  it all felt very Christmassy.

Betsy had her rehearsal at the Church today. Mum went along, and said it was lovely and Betsy did her reading brilliantly. My friend Rachel was there too and sent me a text saying the same thing.

Chris is out tonight. We are planning on watching Saturdays Merlin again, and I'm going to get on with the sewing up of my hex blanket. I have 13 strips of 9 sewn up, now need to sew them together. I'm hoping it will be big enough when I'm done. Big enough for what though? Chris doesn't want it in the sitting room, I can tell! Bedroom perhaps? 

I am also planning on washing Al's hair, in direct contravention of nurses orders. I can't bear it any more though - he looks like Worzel Gummidge.  


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