secret garden

By freespiral

A pewter sea

That makes it sound rather romantic - it wasn't!! I was just able to nip out of the car, hold onto my beret with one hand, point the camera with another and nip back in again before what was approaching on the left and middle broke out. A massive hailstorm - beating down on a huge funeral which was just wending its way to the cemetary, many people on foot. This view is out across Bantry Bay, normally full of little boats but now deserted. There's a sprinkling of snow on the mountains on the Beara opposite and it all looks and feels very chilly. Hail, wind, sleet and a rogue clap of thunder have been today's delights.

The Christmas cakes, baked yesterday, were iced today and look magnificent. All children are hyper and cranky, and chicken pox has now reared its ugly head too. Joy and bliss.

There is some good news though, a wonderful lady in America ordered 100 cards!! Apparently we'd managed to feature her family home on one of them and she had 9 sisters and has asked for 10 assorted boxes to be sent out forthwith. Yay - that makes up for the dismal craft show.

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