A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Feliz Navidad! Que Bonita.

These are Mexican Christmas decorations that my daughter brought back from Mexico after living there for 4 months in 2006.

They are now hanging above the fireplace and wood pile in her breakfast room. They are made out of palm leaves and (as she says in Spanish) 'Que Bonita' - how pretty - they look.

This is my 3rd and last day in Bristol, heading for the train home later this afternoon. You can tell by the blips that the weather has not been fit for outdoor photos and having got wet through yesterday in Gloucester Rd and Clifton on various Christmas quests, we have spent the day indoors making things for Grace and John's festive weekend in the Lakes. This has a theme of The Twelve Days of Christmas. Yesterday we were looking for 12 Drummers Drumming and today we have made props for 3 French Hens. There are also Secret Santa presents and crackers to make as well as cocktails to plan.

Works 'dos' were not like this in my day. I wish I was going!

NB The little mouse is not real it is porcelain.

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