Sue Foll's picture of the day

By POD2008

Petrol puddles

I'm having a quiet day to relax and get myself together after the end of my course last night.

Decided to treat myself by driving to Tate Modern to see the Street/Studio exhibition. I'm glad I did because the weather was wretched, so taking pictures was generally inadvisable.

This patch of road caught my eye as I scuttled back to the car before my meter ran out. Oil and water don't mix as we know and there was plenty of water around.

A relaxing, friend-filled weekend ahead is planned, which I'm really looking forward to.

I'm going to make a resolution for the beginning of July. I'm going to get my food discipline back and no more coffee. I started relying on it when I was doing my London Underground shoot and it's no good. If you're tired... rest! stimulants mess with your adrenalin levels and make you more tired in the long run. and also dehydrated in my case.

Actually, looking at this photograph reminds me of what my insides probably look like at the moment (judging by how I feel).

Back to The Food Doctor Detox.

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