
Mr. Spitzi, as my mother in law once told me, was born on his birthday. And today *is* his birthday. How amazing is that? The rest of us mere mortals who....er....no, hang on, her theory seems to fall down a bit when confronted with logic...
Anyway, that aside, today was, in normal terms, his 40th and in other theories, his 41st. And so we celebrated a little bit because he doesn't like big bit celebrations. There was a lot of food and some presents and some happy times (and, because it was also a normal day for the rest of us, some grumpier times). So, that's done and dusted, one of us has hit 40 and survived so I guess I'll go for it too....one day.

Today was also a very special wedding anniversary, which I remembered with tears and love. Life can be wonderful but it can also be hideously cruel. I hope I get forgiven for using this quote, but it really is beautiful:

"Love is not changed by death, And nothing is lost and all in the end is harvest."

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