
By AprilJane


A much shorter walk than yesterday, after Nick and Nibs left. Was quite cold in the park. Al in particular had to be dragged out, and is actually wearing his pyjamas under those jogging bottoms and sweatshirt.

Had yet more spaghetti for lunch and then flaked out on the sofas. First I blocked 122 crochet hexagons, which I've started to sew together to make the blanket. I started it in October 1st. It will take forever to sew up, and then I have to edge it somehow.

Watched last nights Merlin with the children. Gwen gets turned into a doe and is hunted by Arthur and his Knights who obviously don't know it is her. It made me very tearful for some reason. Perhaps it's something to do with how much time I spend admiring the deer in Bushey Park. I do cry very easily, it's been the bane of my adult life!

Was sad to see N&N go. Had such a nice weekend. Still, we are seeing them next week.

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