
By AprilJane

Two Tall, Two Small

Here are my two favourite grownups with my two favourite children, Nick and Nibs and Betsy and Al.

I think I will add more tomorrow as it's been quite a day one way or another but we are all busy now.

We had an amazing morning, playing softball, drinking coffee and walking through the park. We had lunch at home, I made piles of rolls for everyone despite us all having huge breakfasts of eggs, bacon, sausages and toast not really that long before! The cold and the walking gives you an appetite. (My brother gave me some eggs from his friends hens and they were extra delicious).

In the afternoon Nibs and I went charity shop shopping, and Chris and Nick took the children bowling. They had a great time, and so did we. I bought an amazing blue and gold chevron pattened vintage dress which sadly smells like an old caravan, but I'm sure I can fix that.

Betsy then went to a friends for a sleepover, and Nick had a gig somewhere so had to go (he's a drummer). Nibs and I went to the corner shop to get some bits (chocolate!) and Al decided to stay home to do what he described as 'rough and tumble' with Chris. 15 mins later Nibs and I were sauntering back round the corner in the dark, when Chris appeared in the car, hooting wildly, shouting, 'get in, get in!'. I opened the car door, and saw Al in the back crying hysterically. I shouted to Nibs to getbin the back, and jumped in. Chris pulled away, but Nibs was only half in the car! She had one leg in and the other was hopping manically down the road as she was yelling to Chris to stop. It wasn't funny at tthe time but we have laughed about it a lot since! We went to the brilliant Teddington Memorial and when we got there I realised how bad it was - blood was literally pouring out of the back of Al's head and was caked all round his neck and his hair was thick with it. Chris was white and feeling awful I could tell. They had been mucking about and Al fell backwards and hit his head on the corner of the table.

We saw a nurse almost immediately, who said to Al, 'so, you hit your head, you poor little sod' which really made me want to laugh, but I looked at Chris and I could see he was not in the mood! Having been in the same place six months earlier getting Al's head glued back together, I wasn't that worried, even though I could see that this was much, much worse.

Anyway, they cleaned him up, and glued it back together. Despite Al having blood soaked all the way down the back of his shirt, and Chris looking like he'd slaughtered a pig, the cut itself was only about 5mm wide.

We came back and it all seemed to be an excuse for us to drink a load of red wine, order a curry instead of cooking, and for Al to eat his body weight in Malteezers and stay up very late watching X Factor. We poured him into bed at about 10.30. We stayed up watching more junk telly, eating more chocolate and drinking more red wine. By the time I got to bed I felt like I'd swallowed a cow, and I fell asleep instantly. Nibs has known us all long enough to take these things as just another night with Ma & Pa Holden.

Nick was back from his show by midnight,, but he found the house in darkness and everyone conked out. All the excitement!

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