
By HarryJ

Gas....and gas

Phew...busy day

Got the whole crew up and out of the house by 9am. (No small feat in itself), and nipped across the border to the States to watch an independent film. I must watch more of these type of films, they are so much better than the tripe that Hollywood has a habit of churning out.

Film over by 2pm (ish) and off to the shopping malls. Everyone of them was a zoo. Almost as though no-one stayed at home. No parking, big line-ups at check-outs. Well, you know what I mean.

Stomachs rumbled angrily and so it was time to eat. This place had a gas pump in it, (go figure), so there was my blip for today

And the other gas?

You don't wanna know....

Ah well. Until tomorrow....

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