All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Snow for Ethan's birthday party

We woke up to more snow today! It didn't stop us going to Ethan's gymnastics class though. Granny & Hannah came with us as the gymnastics club, coincidentally, were also celebrating their birthday and were having birthday celebrations. After Ethan's class, they had a display from some of the older gymnasts, and were selling cakes etc to raise funds for the club.

We then came home and Hannah and I took Ethan out on his sledge whilst Granny finished off the baking.

In the afternoon was the big event. Ethan's 2nd birthday party! Wow - how fast those 2 years have gone by. Foreveryoung has blipped it here! Sadly lots of people couldn't make it as they had other Christmas celebrations on and 2 people cancelled this morning as they weren't well. He still had a blast though and totally overdosed on chocolate. What a hyper and tired boy he was this evening!

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