Two more days to go!

Thank God its Wed tha just leaves two more days of this freaded stuff to go. I have to say that the younger students are fantastic and it has given them great confidence to go out there and teach the language. Old codgers like me are harder to train but I still respect what they are doing.
Tommorw ~I give my last lesson so God help them all! then Fri its just to recap etc. I am still not convinced that this teaching method is a one size fits all and should only be considered as an introduction to Gaelic but as that alone it is indeed excellent , further progress still needs to be via the longer grammar driven route .
I have a hankering to get home and will be glad when Sat comes as I have a fair amount of work to catch up on. #I am also missing my really serious camera club tonight!
I left the dogs in my room today and came home to havoc! All the stuff was pulled out of my bag and the dogs were hiding under the duvet!

This shop is Papyrus on Byres Rd and if my old memory serves me well began life on Hyndland Rd as Douglas Weir's

Weather rubbish!

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