
Does anybody pay attention to these stickers on car windows?

I was wondering this as I sat in the Post Office car park waiting on SWMBO pick up a parcel.

She had ordered 2 dresses from America for our daughters forcoming wedding (she will make up her mind later which one she will wear) - to get one of them in this country was going to cost 3 times the price.

She had been told by e-mail they had been dispatched some time ago. Yesterday she got a letter from the Post Office to say that she had to go and collect her parcel.

The letter took longer to get the 15 miles to our house than the dresses from America.......and they say the American postal service is bad !!!!

Of course before the parcel was handed over, SWMBO had to pay ....... import duty, VAT and handling (what bloody handling? - we had to collect it!).

The government (thieving barstards) took 1/3rd of the purchase price in tax.

And they wonder why there is poverty and dissent in the country and why people smuggle in goods they have bought overseas as presents and reminders of holidays? ................ not that people will be able to go on holiday soon with all the extra taxes and surcharges to go abroad and the fact that it is a complete rip off to stay in this country.

Oh I feel better for the rant.

PS - we got Broken Cat back (only one of the many broken bones not fully healed). The vet thinks she can go out in "a couple of weeks" ............ yeah - like she will wait that long!

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