Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Early Start

Our apointment in Glasgow meant a very early start. Headed off down Loch Fyne and at Cairndow by 9:00 for the Rest & be Thankful road opening for the day's traffic.

Well worth that start as we were able to see the colour build up as we climbed up the Rest. No way I was not going to stop for light like this. John parked the car at the entrance to the car park at the top of the Rest and waited while I struggled against the wind to get beyond the Road Gritter parked in a spot which was probably right for them but made it difficult to get the shot I wanted.I had to compromise and miss my favourite trees overlooking Glencroe with its meandering road and river in the valley.
had we not been in a hurry I would have takentime to set up the tripod to get a longer exposure and more detail , as it was I just had to take what I could get against the strong wind. No doubt kaybee will say that being smaller and therefoe much nearer the ground I wouldn't be blown about as much as some others might.

Thanks everyone for your concerns re today's journey , no problems at all road clear all the way there and back, made it over the Rest before it closed at 4 :00 pm. Pity we didn't have enough time to include some Christmas shopping. C'est la vie !

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