Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Yet Another Chaffinch

Sorry everyone but all I have is another chaffinch blip. There were the usual suspects in the garden today as well as another wee bird which might have been a bunting. The plumage was far too dark and the light wasn't that great so it didn't quite work. This fellow wandered around the snow / ice covered ivy.

The the heavens opened and we had several heavy snowfalls followed by sleet and rain.

Fingers crossed for tomorrow's journey to Glasgow - a must do journey as it is a pre op assesment. I did suggest they had this done at our local hospital. In this aeg of computers they could surely forward the info from our wee hospital in Lochgilphead but no, that won't do. So we ahve to go all the way to Glasgow for the assessment whichwill probably last all of 5 minutes, if that.

Such is life and we are really fortunate to have such a good national health Service, it's the price we pay for living in the sticks.

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