With One Eye Wide Open


The Challenge Day 11 / 30

Mysteriously, wonderfully, I bid farewell to what goes, I greet what comes; for what comes cannot be denied, and what goes cannot be detained - Chuang-tzu

The ice queen paid me a visit this morning and stayed right until about 2PM. One look at me and the lads knew they had to keep away. My bad. Ooops!

Note to self: Get enough sleep when you know you have a big day ahead of you and make sure to have a massive breakfast before you join the land of the living. The hungrier you get, the grumpier you become. And when you feel you're being pulled in all directions, close your email, switch off your mobile and go for a quick drive and get self a good cup of coffee.

It's been raining since yesterday and it doesn't feel like summer at all. I don't mind the rain but I miss the sunshine!

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