
By StateoftheArt

Day sixty-one: I got 'em both

Last night, J introduced me to "Good Friends and a Glass of Wine." I am so lucky to have met J this year and will fondly think of our Wine Wednesdays and great times that we have had.

Today, I came home from work to find my Christmas gift from my mom had arrived: new stemless wine glasses! (It seems that breaking the stems off of wine glasses is, indeed, a hereditary trait ;)

I have grown up seeing my mom cherish her friends and the time they had together. No matter how far away we have moved, my mom stays in touch with her friends. Nowadays, when I get to go back home, I love sitting with my mom, her friends, the chiminea, a glass of wine, and some great conversation.

As I loaded the glasses into the dishwasher this evening, I just grinned. Lots of wine and conversations and friendships waiting to be enjoyed and cherished.

Lucky me that I have both good friends and wine!

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