Stained class!

Seriously! the next time someone suggests I do any , repeat any sort of course , remind me to tell them to take a hike!
Today the Gaelic lesson I had to give was about numbers and the one thing you should know about me is I have numerical blindness! Oh yes I can muck up any number and today I did so grand style!
The phrase in question was " do you have two?" well thats fine untill stupid here asked the most camp guy in the class to w in Gaelic "do you have two"? to which he replied in his falsetto voice "tha,, tha dha agam" yes I have two. by this time the entire classe were on the floor laughing, then to compund matters, I was supposed to "re enforce" the lesson by saying "one, two three etc" only I as getting mixed up which bloody language I was using and ended up pointing at students saying "a h aon , a, dha and asking what came next! Tri is three in most languages stupid!
At least tomorrow I don't have to teach a class as some others have a turn. The old adage you can never teach an old dog new tricks should be printed on my forehead! And to think some folks paid to be guinea pigs for us!

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