In Between Days

By jase

Out You Come

Yes it's that time of year again. Who said putting the tree up was a Monday thing? Well I found this morning that it was in our house. More changes too - we would try the false tree this year. We bought a false tree many years ago. It was used once and has lived in the loft ever since. L preferred a real tree after all. It's bedtime now and we've not exactly finished decorating but it's a start.

Picked the kids up early from school as Louis had a hospital appointment for his hearing. The grommet which they put in is fine. The doctor even let us look down his magnifying glass and it looked fine to me too. Unfortunately Louis' other ear, which they didn't put a grommet in and the one which he has particular hearing problems with, has a tear in it and an infection. Louis has been on antibiotics but apparently they won't touch this one so he's been prescribed some more. On top of this we were told that the tear will only heal if the ear is kept dry and so it looks like Louis will not be swimming for a while. It wasn't easy getting advice out of the doctor. If he was in our situation he would not let him go swimming but it was our decision.

I couldn't help thinking the doctor looked like a villain out of an Indiana Jones movie.

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