
By DibDobs

Milford Sound

The Maori name for Milford Sound in 'Piopiotahi' which means 'a single thrush'. The legend goes that when Maui lost the treaure of immortality to the goddess of death, a single thrush flew here in mourning.

Captain Cook missed Milford Sound on two different occasions as he sailed along this part of the coastline as the opening to the fjord is completely hidden from the open ocean. It was discovered in 1823 by John Grono, a sealer, who named it after his birthplace in Wales - Milford Haven.

Dominating the landscape in Mitre Peak which forms the world's highest sea cliff. Apparently the best time to come is on a rainy day when the several waterfalls cascade down heavily over the sides of the cliffs.

Even in the sun it was a spectacular sight to see.

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