My New Bed

A Ben Blip

This is my new bed. I love my new bed! It's very cool. It has a house underneath it where all my toys live. I have a monkey under there too which hangs from the ceiling. I've got leaves over my head too! At night mummy and I sit on a chair and I have a cuddle and my milky drink, and then I climb up the ladder into my bed and I cuddle my elephant and mummy holds my hand and I go to sleep.

I've got a new little brother too! His name is Charley. He is very little, and very soft. I like giving him kisses, and I like cuddling him. When he lies in his nest in the front room sometimes he wakes up and I go and sit next to him and tell him it's ok, that I'm here. I think he likes me too. He likes it when I do my drumming, he listens to me! Sometimes I get to have milky cuddles with him and mummy, but he gets most of the milk because he needs to grow big and strong like me. I can have hot chocolate and ham and crumpets, but Charley can only have milk.

Mummy and daddy have been very tired today. Mummy says they went to bed at stupid o'clock last night. Mummy has been drinking coffee to try and stay awake! We had lunch at 3 o'clock and mummy brought me a plate of apple, ham, cheese and toast, and a fruit soup (a smoothie!). I love it when mummy brings me a plate like that! I ate nearly everything, except the toast - I prefer crumpets.

Then Nathaniel and his mummy and daddy and little sister came round to play and I showed Nathaniel my new bed and all my toys upstairs. I like Nathaniel! I like playing with him. We found my red plane! I thought my red plane was lost, so I am very happy that we found it.

After Nathaniel went home mummy and daddy had some tea but I wasn't really hungry. Then I helped daddy to tidy up all my toys in the front room, and in my bedroom, before getting ready for bed. Mummy was still giving Charley his milky drink when I was ready for bed, so I cuddled up next to her on the sofa and had my milky drink there instead of up in my bedroom. Daddy got to have cuddles with Charley after that, so mummy could come and hold my hand while I fell asleep. I like my little brother. I like sharing my mummy with him.

I'm three years old! I'm a big boy, and I'm getting bigger!

It's been a very slow day today - I felt like I'd achieved very little due to being so tired from going to bed so late last night, but Steve assures me that I've achieved LOTS. Namely, looking after both boys so that he can tidy up and find things and put the radiator back on our bedroom wall so that our room is warm again! AND we all got dressed as well, that's quite an achievement in itself ;0) We've finally sorted out our clothes as well. Somehow the laundry has been kept on top of (how this has been achieved I will never know), but the clean dry clothes have just been piling up because we can't get to the wardrobes particularly easily. So Steve has reclaimed some boxes from the front bedroom which used to hold stuff for the re-wire (which, being nearly complete, means there were several almost-empty boxes) and tidied the printers' cabinet so we now have clothes storage in our own bedroom. Hurrah!

Another thing to note for future reference. Don't bother mixing tea tree oil with a "carrier" oil before adding to a bath. Unless you particularly enjoy oily baths. Which, it turns out, I really really don't.

Lesson learnt.

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