Growing up

Our little boy grew up a little more tonight.

He helped daddy build his new big bed - a little bit of re-engineering meant that not only was the bed better for his room, but that the broken bit was no longer in such a critical place.

He was so excited when it was built and was HUGELY excited to move some of his toys upstairs! (So were we - we have a little more space downstairs now!)

And tonight he's gone to bed in it :)

Having his milky drink sitting up in my lap the past couple of nights has paid off: we sat in a chair to have a milky cuddle, and then before he got too sleepy he climbed up his ladder and into bed. He chose elephant to stay with him, asked to hold my hand, and fell asleep! My little boy just grew up some more. I love him so much. I'm so proud of him!

Earlier on in the day we had a "why does it all have to happen at once" moment. I realised I was having a pretty bad hypo and had rushed downstairs to deal with it. Got halfway sorted with a sugary drink, and then had to deal with Charley who needed a nappy change quite desperately. Meanwhile Ben decided he wanted to do some drumming and that the cushions were to be his kit. He went to take my cushion that I need for support and as I told him to put it back he swung it round (not carelessly, just without looking what he was doing) and knocked my full glass of juice over. Which happened to be next to the laptop. Which got wet. As did the floor, the rug, my sandals, the lambskin... I shouted at Ben, why could he not just for once do as he was told :( and removed him bodily from the puddle of juice and set him down to one side, crying. Charley screaming from his half-undressed position on the changing mat on the floor. Steve upstairs having just gone to the toilet.


I Must Not Leave My Juice In Stupid Places.

This photo is the boys having a cuddle together with their daddy while I finally finished fixing my hypo. After that I had both boys in for a cuddle which we all needed to regain some calm.

Before all that Charley had slept for so long that I was almost bursting and so when he finally had some milk he took so much in that it came straight back out again - always when you don't have a muslin or any kitchen roll anywhere near. So we've both had a full change of clothes today.

Apart from that, it's been a good day! I managed to get both boys up and fed this morning, AND make myself a brew before sitting down to wait for Steve to surface so I could go to the loo. We've not yet brought the bouncer down from the loft - although I discovered this evening that once Charley is in the wrap I can survive a trip to the loo! That is if he's asleep, though. Awake and demanding feeding I'm not so sure about. Boobs are permanently strapped up to stop them leaking at the moment. I'm sure it'll get easier!

Had a funny moment when Steve did appear though. I'd sent Ben up with some crumpet for him (Ben was quite firm about which piece was his and which piece was daddy's), and when Steve finally came downstairs he said "I just woke up with crumpet in my mouth." I did wonder for a moment whether he'd been snoring and perhaps Ben had just put the crumpet in (unlikely, but possible) but no, Steve had accepted the crumpet then fallen asleep again eating it!

Poor Charley has been a pukey boy this evening again though. Far too much milk in one boob. I think I should've expressed the excess off really, I must remember to do that next time. It was just too much for him and he's taken too much in along with air and puked a fair bit out.

Ah dear.

Tonight's blip is just all over the place.

Discovered why.... hypoing again...... Better sort that out.


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