Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Just after and just before

Just after I'd decided we could stop worrying about Joel - who came home with a bad headache and sensitive to light (terrifying), then had some paracetamol, a rest, some sausage and mash and felt better.... I took a photo of Tess reading one of her Christmas books and then seconds later she said she had tummy ache and a pain in her throat. Half an hour before that she had been leaping off the sitting room furniture and singing Away in a Manger so I'm not sure what happened there, or if the leaping and singing are connected!

I hate worrying about kids feeling ill.

Both said children are in bed now but I expect I will have a night of repeatedly sitting up in bed wondering if I've heard one of them.
Which will follow on nicely from last night's lying awake for no reason!

Can't bothered to do anything with this photo. So it's as is. Christmas themed bedtimes have arrived. I've noticed Christmas sneaking into our daily lives in all sorts of ways - without any effort from me!
I'm not ready!

Oh - and I wrote a short story/flash fiction thingy for Friday flash but didn't get a chance to tidy it up and post it to my blog. Bermherls.

Scrap that - I did post a story to my blog eventually. It's rather odd...

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