Aye Spy

By MeaMo

Calm after the storm

It was back to the Turret Reservoir with a friend and two dogs. The spillway was still gushing but not with quite the same ferociousness as yesterday. Even so, it was fast and noisy and the little Turret stream was overflowing with churning muddy water.
The dogs, Cara and Bruce, were here for the first time, and what a time they had! The area around the dam wall and the boat house is fenced in and so the dogs were able to run freely. They ran and ran, up, down and across the grassy slopes below the dam. So many new smells to investigate!
Yesterday had been extremely cold and windy. Today, a different story on reaching the top of the dam. The wind had dropped and the loch was quite calm. But it was the presence of snow on the hills, which was really no surprise given how cold it had been during the night, that took my fancy, along with the moody dark cloud hanging over the hills and the loch, creating some lovely light streaks on the water.

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