Vive la Vie

By gillybxl


Three months ago we developed a leak in the basement. It got worse and worse. Water was running down the walls and into the sockets. The basement is now unusable and some of our belongings have been damaged. The salt started to come out of the bricks and the interior walls are now damaged and need re-plastering. The electrical circuits have also been damaged now.

We have recorded every email, phone call and visit by the agency, landlords, 'experts' etc. The land lord is now taking the builders to court as there have been numerous problems with the entire building. However, we still live with the damage - an unusable shower and basement. They seemed to be in no hurry to fix things or reduce the rent. Therefore after much worry and stress we finally sent a registered letter to the landlord on friday, which we were legally advised to do and guess what - a plumber is coming over tomorrow. It is a complete inconvenience as I've had to take the morning off work as they can't give a time which means hubby will have to get the kids to creche and school on his own before work.

I wonder if I'll be brave enough to get a blip of the long awaited for plumber?

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