sight this morning - blue sky. A lovely day. Looked around vaguely from combinations of 3, 6 and 5, but settled for the early morning present from the weather system.
To Worcester to sort out a problem of mobile data connection for Mrs Enzo's iPhone. The irony is that I avoided getting her an Android handset and went for what I thought would be simple and reliable. The nice man in the Vodafone shop recognised the problem of a faulty SIM quickly - he'd had exactly the same experience. Swap the SIM, solve the problem. Not a phenomenon I recognise from either of the two HTC smartphones I've had.
And then back to school for the last 17 days of term. Made two little "how to" videos to introduce year 8 to the delights of making little games in Visual Basic - a variation on the experience they already have in programming with Yenka and Scratch.
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