This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Sunday seems like a good day to have my head in a book.

Yesterday I wanted a sign, and I got one. I sold a painting later in the afternoon! I think I probably received a few more signs today as well.

I picked up this book from the library while Stewart was still in town, but I only got around to begin reading it today. As I was reading about the author, her name seemed familiar, and then it hit me! I had just printed up a prospectus for an upcoming juried exhibition that I would like to enter, and who is the juror? None other than the author of this book! I hope this is a good sign...

In other news, I took the plunge and bought my first DSLR camera today! It should get here by Thursday. I can't wait to play with it. In other news, I have a feeling this is going to be one hell of a week...


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