A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister

Craig House Hospital

Sadly it didn't really seem to be possible to take a decent photograph of this dark hall with its bright lights (sounds like a bit of an oxymoron but it is true!) so I am not able to show just how nice it was.

This was an old lunatic asylum built in the 1890s and was intended for paying patients which probably explains its grandeur. It was renamed the Thomas Clouston Clinic in the 1970s after the man who founded it but was closed in the early 1990s and is now owned by Napier University.

Tonight the lunatics were running the asylum for a St Andrews day dinner and ceilidh*, the first in a gauntlet of dinners and lunches I will be facing over the next month!

*ceilidh - /?ke?l?/ Scottish & Irish
1. a party with music, dancing, and often storytelling

2. A violent social gathering usually involving sprains, bruises and bloodshed. If you don't get any of these you are not doing it right.

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