Capital adventures

By marchmont

Light up

1st Sunday in Advent. E A and I went to IDCT (Inverurie and District Churches Together) joint Advent service in the Garioch Sports Centre hall, full to bursting. Advent - Light. Met a few folk I know and wondered how so many others had got older, greyer and dare I say it, fatter. It's the thing about small towns, you live there and you see the same people through the years as kids, young adults, middle aged and elderly, not the same in cities.

Some food and shopping at Markies and Tesco then farewells.

It's the St Andrew's Day parade today and the lighting of the Christmas tree and the few lights - no waving Santas. We always went, last time in the freezing cold in 2008. You can see that this year's Inverurie panto is Aladdin. That was our Christmas Eve, panto then Watchnight Service.

But today was lovely and sunny, with a cold north wind. Now back south in a packed train with the late afternoon sun glinting over the North Sea.


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