The journey continues...

By Lbell

Hungover :(

I didn't take a single picture today so the photo is from last and Alexia sporting our new purchases. It was a good wee night! We didn't get to bed until 5 so I managed to sleep until 1 today! We thought we would make something productive of our day but it didn't really work out that way. We went to Belgrano market to buy some bracelets but the lady who sold them wasn't there today..gutted considering it took us half an hour to get there in the too hot and too busy subte. Then we went to McDs to purchase some cures for our hangovers. Afterwards the plan was to chill by Andrews pool. However once we arrived he informed us that his security guards wouldn't let anymore people in so after our failure of a day we thought it was acceptable to go back to our apartment and back to bed.

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