Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible


Mrs W and I were reminiscing that it was eighteen years ago today that we were in Ealing hospital bringing Edgar into the world. We had spent the day worrying and slowly becoming resigned to the fact that we were going to become parents.

We still remember it clearly - right down to the smallest details. There's been a lot of activity, fun and games since then. Even the bad bits appear amusing now. I just can't believe that time has passed by so quickly.

My only regret is not taking more photos during the years. It is useful scanning the old photos which are just lying in boxes - it gives them a new lease of life.

This is a hurried montage, the earlier one was lost when I closed the file without saving it - very annoying. Then blip land seemed to be over capacity and I lost all my text!

Oh well - got there in the end. Tommorrow I am looking forward to going to the pub with the birthday boy, who can buy a drink with genuine ID.

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