Homespun Charms

By MaryMouse

Peruvian connection

I recently received through the letter box, a copy of a very expensive clothing catalogue. I don't know why it comes as I've never ordered anything. However, it did make me think of my own Peruvian connection. In recent years I have been out to Peru a couple of times to work with children living in a very poor rural area. These are a few of the traditional items produced there. It always strikes me as ironic that so much money could be spent on just one item out of this catalogue, a fortune for some of the residents of Peru!
This week has been full of excitement and activity. The North Country Theatre production on Wednesday was terrific, yesterday's matinee at York was very good and my week has been capped this morning by a visit to the auction! My cup runneth over. Plenty of 'stuff' for the shop but nothing too exciting for me.
Shortly we are off to The Dog & Gun so it must be Friday - at last.

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