Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

HUD HOD BAD ? What acronym?

I declare it open season on grandchildren. Let them know who is in charge, give them stick. Instill a bit of terror.

Terror is better Hooooog

Fat chance. He was shrieking with laughter, indignation, threats of revenge, you name it he came out with it. Our rugby session afterwards enabled him to get his own back on the ageing relly.

So if you want to lift your dog, grandchild, pram, car or even a very lightweight bike, you go for it. Arbiters of taste and good behaviour will be ignored, as befits a DILLIGAF Grandpa. :-))

There's a totally unedited set of chuckle muscle gigglers over on Flickr, the first one is me grabbing his butt and neck ready for a flying lesson.

Flying, Rugby and choccy treats.

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