Nothing To See

Thursday night, experiment night :)

In the absence of anything resembling daylight, what is a girl to do?

A drive to work in pouring rain then into the office to catch up on two days work. The smell of gas which was reported on Monday was today, officially deemed not to be gas. Well not gas of a domestic type. No, that would be too simple. The gas man with his meter has declared it to be gas of a different type, namely methane. The probable cause? A decaying body. He is yet to specify whether this is human remains or perhaps a simple sewer rat or two. In the meantime, nothing can be done until Monday. Well when I say nothing, that is not strictly true. He has kindly set up a bowl of peach scented disinfectant in the disabled loo which seems to be the source of the stench. Bleurk!

It would be the only weekend in living memory where we have a weekend event on (work on a Saturday ye Gods!!!) So we are going to have to quckly re-jig the masterplan to minimise the client time spent in the vicinity of the stench!

I am hoping by tomorrow we shall have been issued with some form of gas mask to make the work environment slightly more tolerable :)

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