Norbury Church

The most unusual thing that happened to me today I can't blip - it was too fast to photograph. I had just got home from my swim this morning and got out of the car when I was divebombed by a flurry of furious feathered wings. A huge bird shot into the footwell of the Insignia and I yelped. My next door neighbour saw it all and I crossed over to speak to her. She saw the big bird fly out of the car and I went back to survey the mess. Just as I arrived at the car, a tiny little bird (about the size of a wren) escaped - I hope the intelligent little creature survived its scare !

Later in the day I went up to Ashbourne in Derbyshire and on the way home, I called to take a photo of the Church of St Mary and St Barlock in Norbury

The webpage with some interesting history

The Old Manor (and the church) are open from March to October. Another place to go back to.

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