just allan

By allan

Sunset Strip

Belhaven Bay at 4pm, looking west to Traprain Law. Large.

After searching fruitlessly for my iPhone, learning to use iCloud, and quickly locating the wee fella via "Find My iPhone" IN DOTTY'S HOUSE... well. You can imagine. Tut.

So I went for a walk and generally enjoyed being un-contact-able. Then I learned to use the Blackberry and how to change my voicemail 'greeting' (horrible term) both on the BB and on the iPhone via remote whatnot, and spent the return journey fielding texts. It was nice whilst it lasted!

I also bought The Independent, which was lightweight, tabloidy and generally disappointing... And Viz which was superbly intelligent, well observed, hilarious and didn't have 500 pages of bloody football. None at all in fact. Oh, apart from Billy the Fish which is entirely excusable.

Viz Top Tip: "If you think your child might grow up to be a handyman, save him the possible future expense of getting his tools personalised by naming him Stanley." HAHAHAHAHAHA. :D

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