A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Small pleasures

I honestly don't expect anyone* to be as excited as I am about the freshly painted wall behind our bin as an alternative to the grimy food splattered wall it had become and has been really starting to bother me. Today had A home with a nasty cough so busied myself at home with painting the kitchen and lots of sorting out which has generated another huge pile for the charity shop. Since September we have taken at least one bag per week and I think we might finally be starting to see a chink of light.

Actually I only planned to paint the wall directly behind the bin but of course once I' started looking it turned out all the walls were pretty dire. We must be very messy eaters, or cooks, or something.

Speaking of which, off to hurl food at the walls eat dinner.

Happy Friday
Lesley x

*except Carl

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