Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

500 and 40

So. Today is my 40th blip and 500th birthday.

No.....that's not right....

40th birthday and 500th blip! Yes, that's it.

Crikey 'eck, I'm not sure how I came to be 40 all of a sudden. If you'd asked me when I was 20, what I saw for my 40th birthday, I'd have imagined that I'd wake up to breakfast in bed, made by husband and 3 kids. Certainly wouldn't have imagined waking up on my own, taking an SP and posting it on t'interweb....

Hey ho.

As for blips, well that's gone fast too.

I won't gush or make a long speech, but I've had a quick look back at my blips and

Your favourite was: Vulnerable

My favourite? Ooh that's tricky, but An Interesting Day is one of them, because of the adrenalin rush of being out during the protests, taking photos.

But my favourites probably come from the Weekly Film Blip Challenge series.

Today's blip wasn't my original idea, but it seemed fitting to include the room and a couple of the props that have featured on some of my SPs.

Right. Work - and then fizz. Lots of fizz......

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