Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Lady bug

Over the last few days I have glanced up at the ceiling and seen this ladybird walking about. I kept meaning to do something with it, but forgot. Today it caught my eye again , so I grabbed it , put it on a plate , photographed it and then opened the window.

Is it strange to see one of these at this time of year? I also killed a wasp that was climbing up my window.

A dark dismal damp day, and dark early. Went for a coffee tea after work , and got that winter feeling.

Feeling at peace at the moment , the things that have been on my mind have settled and been sorted. Didn't realise how up tight I was until I now feel relaxed and want to pick my book - that is a sign for me.

Coffee hot water/tea with a friend tonight .

Day 5 of no coffee and it's been ok as my stomach hasn't wanted it. A lot easier when it's that way!

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