Imported goods
Mr B brought a car-load of stuff back from Scotland, including more of the kids' toys and various food items. We can't seem to find ginger beer anywhere here, but also bring with us oatcakes, Tunnocks Caramels, Oatibix, mayonnaise (Katherine finds French mayo has a little too much mustard in for her taste) and Galaxy chocolate (yum).
He also brought much paint, though was disappointed to note when he got it out of the car that Costco have changed from Dulux Trade Paint, to the slightly thinner regular Dulux paint. He hadn't spotted that in the shop. Still, it does mean we can get on with painting all the rooms that are ready for that.
I had to get up early to take the hire car back, though with Mr B home that certainly wouldn't have been my first choice: a little too much welcome home wine last night, I think.
With the car returned, we started work at the MBH: cleaning rooms ready to start moving stuff in, then tackling a tricky ceiling that paint won't stick to. Lots of preparation for painting, and another few lively discussions about quality versus speed... as ever I compromised a little, but Mr B did have the grace to admit that my way (painting skirting with small brush to ensure accuracy) would give a better result than his (giant brush and just try and mop up the drips and spills afterwards), though his would be quicker.
Long, tiring day. More of the same to come tomorrow.
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