Learning day by day

By EmmaF


Mary, the local Poppy Appeal Organiser was really excited when the Hitchin Inititative 'leant' her the window of one of their empty shops to publicise this years appeal. This is only part of her display, I couldn't do it justice, nor could I get rid of the reflections. Tomorrow Carys and I will be collecting (or selling poppies as Carys calls it) in town.

This year Carys has worked out it is about people who have died. But they died keeping us safe didn't they Mummy. Last year I had told her it was about remembering the soldiers who keep us safe and she took that at face value. This year she said it was lucky Uncle Jonnie didn't die when he was looking after us. Another giant leap of intuition from my child as when he was away in Afgan, we just told her he was away with work, which he was. Thankfully he came home. She has now realised that when he got married he was in a soldiers uniform and has put two and two together and come up with four.

I guess you can only protect them for so long. I would dearly love to know what has been said at school as she came home talking about people dying, being shot and having blood all round their face whilst needing a drink! And it was all a long time ago Mummy, the first time. I think I will be asking on Monday.

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