Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Remembrance Sunday

William finally got his wish to go to Children's Liturgy. He held C's hand as they walked together down the aisle. When I next saw them they were in the offertory procession, both holding tight to their poppies and William had the most serious face. At least they both understand the significance of the poppy at a level appropriate for their ages. They have both been involved in collecting this year. It is important that we do not forget.

After lunch Daddy took them out to the park so I grabbed a little catch up sleep. It has been a very trying week. Jim has been unwell in bed, I'm fighting a cold and sleep deprivation and the kids have both been the wrong way out. I think they are both tired. William is yet to have a full nights sleep at any point and the last weeks nights have been very poor incomparison to the past few weeks. He is so tired that he has hysterics at the slightest thing.

C slept until 7.50am this morning, a sure sign that she too is tired. I am hoping that the drive to the wedding next Saturday might just sort them out. I would not be surprised if they both fall asleep early in the journey and stay that way for the duration!

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