Here comes the ...

Sun. The weather in Spain at the moment is glorious. It was our 'away day' golf today,the one that I have organised. Arrived at the golf course, started taking the money, the guy who I regualarly partner in the league games 'spat his dummy out', he wasn't happy with me as I had changed his 4 ball team, so when I asked him for his 6 euros, 3 for comp fees and 3 for the breakfast that he had ordered, he turned round and told me he didn't want the breakfast, he was going straight home after the golf. As it happened, we had a guy who had not ordered a breakfast but wanted one, so in the end not a problem. I have told our team captain not to put me out with Joe again, can't stand 'sulky' people, after all it's only a game and the away days are a bit of fun.

We played in brilliant sunshine, in t shirt and shorts, the cafe did us proud with the breakfast - egg, bacon, sausage, hash brown, toms, mushroom, beans, toast and a cup of tea or coffe or fresh orange for 3 euros.

I was knackered but it was worth it everyone, well nearly everyone, went home happy.

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