Watching With Interest

The Cygnet loves watching the bin men and the wheelie bins being emptied.
Normally he smiles and waves to the men who have got to the point where they look out for him.
For some reason today he was really seriously faced.
(this was taken one handed without looking at the camera as I held him in my arm which accounts for the poor quality)

We were looking after him at our house today as SWMBO was expecting a parcel delivery.

This gave the Cygnet and one of our cats to be best buddies.
He cuddles her, strokes her and pulls her tail.
She rubs up against him and rolls onto the back to have her tummy tickled.

Our other cat takes off as soon as the Cygnet arrives.

Tonight I am going to have to start putting together the quiz for the camera clubs Christmas (sorry ........ I hate mentioning that word before next month) diner.
I will also have to think about what I am going to give out as prizes.

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