We MUST Remember

I am sadly disapointed truely sickened by the vastly increased numbers of people who are not wearing poppies this year.


The poppy represents those who have given their life in the service of their country
It has NOTHING to do with whether you agree with any particular arena of conflict or what political views you hold.
It is not just for those who fell in the first and second world war --- it is for ALL service men and women who have died.......including those who are still dying.

There are 16000 who have died SINCE the end of the 2nd world war alone.
That is 16000 sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers.
That is a huge number.

These people deserve better - much better than the disgusting apathy that seems to be sweeping through this country.

I would like to think that we can instill a sense of respect (and duty) within the Cygnet by explaining such things from an early age.

The poppy was not placed on his head as a joke or for fun - it was the only place we could put it that he would not remove it and destroy it (he has has 3 so far).
As I explained to the servicemen and ex-servicemen manning the stalls in Livingston today - we will do everything in our power to teach him right from wrong and remembering the dead at this time of year and holding your head high with pride that you do so is definately right.

Anyone who does not give a donation and wear a poppy this weekend should hang their head in shame.

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