From where i stand!!!

By Dancingninja

You can not and will not make me look at that.....

bloody camera!!!!!

So today you get an emergency blip, a little bit of blip block going on plus having a rubbish day friend issues. Can't believe at nearly 40 although woman in question is 40 and a bit i am having issues i would have had in the playground!! For goodness sake why can't people just all be friends, why get possessive of other friends, why if you meet someone through someone else do you have to get permission to arrange a lunch out, with said person who had also been asked out, wasn't like i arranged lunch and not invited her, when said person goes out and socialises with my friends who i introduce her to is this any different??? Women eh?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?! And to top it off the bloody Rex wouldn't look at me!!!!!!!!

Sorry if this makes no sense what so ever to you just felt the need to get it off my chest!!!!!


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