A Rose By Any Other Name

By arosebyanyother

Reap what you sow

Taking the boys to school this morning, I watched them both run to their friends & play! It's times like that when my heart flutters! I'm so very proud of both my babies!

I've been to the doctors today, now I'm on antibiotics after she poked me with a stick!! :-(

We've got a family party coming up & will have to get the boys some new clobber! :-)

Julia should be home Friday!!! YAY!

The boys are now sat doing their maths books, I offered them time on their 'Moshi Monsters' but they chose to do this instead! :-)

We also received Lennon's sponored spellings home & we owe big bucks to the school! Doh! Why do you spell so well Rosie!?!

I've also got a MASSIVE CAKE ORDER to do tomorrow! Wow! x

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