A Rose By Any Other Name

By arosebyanyother

Cakey Bakey Day

I know, I know...my father-in-law asked me not to bake today, but I had to!! Sorry David!

I made Cadbury Crunchie, Coconut, Strawberry Milkshake & bog standard cupcakes!!

I made these for a friend, who absolutely loved them & is asking for cards to put in her salon window!! eeeaaaakk! Exciting!

Also, sorry again David for locking you out today!!
He went to collect the car from the garage & I walked to get the boys & locked the door behind me (thinking he would have a house key!) & found him at the school when I arrived! Oops!

On the plus side, the boys have their poppy to wear!

They both were sent home with a book each from school & they both chose to read about 5 each tonight!! Jeez! They must take after their Daddy! Me? I would rather wait for the film to come out!
My theory - if the book is good enough, a film will be made of it!! hehe! x

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