
By strawhouse

My Other Phone's an iPhone

I wish!
The photo doesn't quite do justice to quite how rubbish this phone is!!
I have had upgrades since this one but the most recent one only lasted a few months before being destroyed by toddlers and I had to go back to this ancient model.
I don't mind the fact that it's not the latest smart phone, I love the fact that it's got photos and texts on from when I was pregnant with Miss E and just after I had her (yes, it's nearly 4 years old!!!) and I don't mind the scratches and the dents....
But even I cant ignore the fact that the facing has all come off, the screen has fallen off (just yesterday), and the display has been almost completely obliterated by random lines which have appeared.
Oh dear!
My upgrade is due on Christmas Day but I'm not sure it can last that long. Fingers crossed!!!

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