A year in the Liefe of

By LainieC


It was such a lovely, warm, sunny day outside, I simply had to slip out of my household duties to make the best of the day.
I have been so inspired by peoples efforts on Blipfoto,I decided I should perhaps try to learn a little about the functions on my camera, instead of using INTELLIGENT AUTO all the time.An hour later,I was still skulking around the garden, trying to capture interesting shots.During the process, I must have knocked---OK,maybe shifted, one,possibly two, probably many more settings.Almost every one of my 'ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY 'shots was a disaster!(I might have had more success playing darts!)The cry went up - - - - H E L P !!!!
Hubby felt compelled to leave the painting and offer his superior knowledge.All sorted, I ended up with a few shots I was surprised by, a few I was confused by and a couple I thought suitable.
So shadows it is.As two shrinking oldies,we are thrilled about our newly found height.The shot was taken late in the afternoon as the sun was going down. Had fun taking the dogs in the same light, although BellaBoo looked more like a GIANT wire haired terrier with her wide muzzle.
"When small men begin to cast big shadows, it means that the sun is about to set" (Quote by - Lyn Yutang)

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