A year in the Liefe of

By LainieC


Fireworks with a difference!
Another dank, wet, miserable day, so the furthest we will attempt to travel will be to the local shops! Lots of bits 'n' pieces to be acquired and that's before we even think about Xmas shopping!!!!
Since it is unlikely our neighbours on either side of us ( and not forgetting the inhabitants across the road of course)will have some GRAND FIREWORK EXTRAVAGANZA tonight,and since none of our offspring will be home as an excuse for us to participate in this FANTSASMAGORICAL occasion,I decided to have a play around with my latest toy.
I took a photo of a lamp we have at home,shaped somewhat like a bullet and studded with tiny holes which allows chinks of light to shine through. I altered the image with effects from a new programme I have.I was trying to create the effect of an EXPLOSION.I found the infra red effect worked well, changing the picture from being cold and steeley to this hot vibrant artform.I have a lot to learn about the various effects but had fun messing about.
So, tonight is when our TV viewing will NOT be disturbed and our pets will NOT be driven crazy by the outside sound effects !

F Fiery,fantastical,fascinating, frivolous fun.
I Illuminating, irridescent illusions.
R Rotating, radiant,razzledazzle, -a real rave - up!
E Electrifying, exploding, exciting,extravaganza.
W Whizzing, whirring wonders.
O Orbiting, ornamental ,outdoor objects.
R Rotating,radiating,radiant reels.
K Kaleidoscopic, kindling kindred (spirits)
S Swooshing, screaming ,screeching sounds and SPECTACULAR sights!!

Thank goodness for alliteration and,I guess I am STILL a child at heart. Love them really!!Have a fun evening.

*For any overseas friends, tonight is the night when we in the UK light up the skies with bonfires and set off fireworks to celebrate Guy Fawkes and his downfall!

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